May 13, 2010

Not in Kansas anymore...

Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion here.... went in search of the Great Wizard... Jack needed some courage and I need to find my way back home.... but we didn't find him.. Kansas City tried to kick our butts.. they had hail the size of tennis balls.. Tried to bring one back for ya'll to see but it melted... Guess I should have put it in the cooler instead of my pocket.. wink wink.. We did find us a new pet though.. a giant mouse...Guess I'll name him ToTo... that ol storm was nipping at our ankles as we barreled our way out of Kansas... Drove over to Illinois.. and then set our sites on Dale, Indiana...  Just made me miss my momma more... although we wound up not staying there...  Camping out for awhile.. may not be able to reach us via cell phone or computer...but wanted to let you all know we didn't blow away...  Be home in a few days... Mom let me know what time Linda is planning on having the party for the baby so I can call and at least feel like I'm there with you all...Just call and leave it on voicemail.. and which phone you want me to call....ok... I'll probably be crying... just want to hear his little voice...  Signing off... Dorothy, Cowardly Lion and ToTo...   sniff sniff....

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